събота, юли 30
Christine's cake

Old lobster law says

Old lobster law says, be true to yourself, but be kind to creatures you meet on your journey in case you meet them again on the way back... oh, and look after the earth, so you might be lucky enough to come back as a lobster one day.
Outbreak of Red Bag Disease

Symptoms are:
- Large red swelling around the head
- Lose of vision/Problems differentiating colours
- Loose movements/No congestion
At risk:
- Children, elderly, those with poor vision or poor judgement
- Lobsters, snails, politicians, millipedes and other things which crawl whilst on dry land

Other transport news:
Secret footage of a very short cycle path has been released. Lobster's mother believes it may be the world's shortest. Do not show your friends. (Beware if you have a slow connection - this is 5.2MB for a twenty second clip of very wobbly footage)
Short Personality Test

![]() You are funky, outdoorsy, and down to earth. While you may not be a total hippie... You're definitely one of the most free spirited people around. You are very impulsive - every day is a new adventure. However, you do put some thought behind all your actions. Still, you do tend to shock and offend people from time to time! |
The Tao of Andy Wylie

All around the world there are hundreds of humans called Andy Wylie. But also, mysteriously, there is only one Andy Wylie. When he speaks, the world listens.
Today, the words of Andy Wylie are:

While officers are not yet ready to remove all the equipment at Watford Junction, they are considering our suggestion of removing the "bagged heads" to improve overall visibility.
Only people called Andy Wylie, or people who have assumed the name of Andy Wylie may leave comments here.
петък, юли 29
Walking for Health

Here's a couple of leaflets:

Here's a medal and a badge if you get a bit more adventurous:

And here's a real prize, a beautiful village sign from Datchworth in Hertfordshire which the lobster spotted whilst out with a group of walkers two weeks ago. Lobster Blogster was carried round in a small knapsack:

If you would like to know more, try www.whi.org.uk or e-mail the lobster. If you live in or around North Watford and you would like to see a health walk locally, definitely e-mail the lobster!.
Walk More to Save on Stamps
A group of locally based eco-warriors have announced today that people should "make their own stamps" and "deliver things by hand" in an effort to get people to walk a bit more. Activist "Wild" Ken thinks it would be totally crazy for the Party Vice Chairman to use DHL or ParcelForce to return the books when he only lives around the corner.
An example of a home-made stamp is shown below, but people are being encouraged to make their own.

The Watford Observer (which is about a fine a paper as you will ever come across!) has publicised the idea of getting more humans to swim. Unfortunately, since Watford Council insists on reducing indoor swimming space in Watford, it may have to be in the lake.
Related pages:
An example of a home-made stamp is shown below, but people are being encouraged to make their own.

The Watford Observer (which is about a fine a paper as you will ever come across!) has publicised the idea of getting more humans to swim. Unfortunately, since Watford Council insists on reducing indoor swimming space in Watford, it may have to be in the lake.
Related pages:
Empty Space
Sometimes its difficult for marine creatures and humans to find enough empty space in which to be. Courtesy of Lobster Blogster, here is some empty space for you to enjoy...
Thank you.
Thank you.
четвъртък, юли 28
Are the Olympics Good for the Economy?

Lobster Blogster's online shop is open between 8.30 and 5.30 Monday to Saturday
(half day closing Wednesdays)

An Inspector Calls

When Labour ran Watford Council, until 2002, the Audit Commission described it as "one of the worst performing district councils in the country."
Inspector's verdict on the Watford Council under the Lib Dems...
Source: Audit Commision press release, June 2005
Bananacrat Bingo!

Liberal Democrats in Watford claimed on Monday that:
Watford Junction traffic lights will be removed!
They say...
In October 2003 Mayor Dorothy Thornhill and county councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, persuaded the County Council to turn the lights off while Transco maintenance works were carried out on St Albans Road. Due to popular demand, the lights have remained off ever since, even after the Transco works were finished.

In his human guise, Lobster Blogster has been campaigning for the same set of lights to removed. The lobster runs a webpage at www.hertfordshire.freeserve.co.uk/TrafficLights/
E-mails between him and the entire County and Borough Councils, the Mayor and a councillor confirm that the lights were actually switched off on 6th May 2004. As does the date stamp on many of the photographs. Lib Dems claims that they persuaded the council to turn off the lights in October 2003 seem a little bizarre, since they hadn't even been built then. The lights which caused so many traffic jams were installed around January 2004 as part of a "Pedestrian Plan".
Other places you can play Bananacrat Bingo:
сряда, юли 27
Some more flags

- Einige Markierungsfahnen, denen ich vor kurzem hängen um das Internet fand.
- Quelques drapeaux que j'ai trouvé accrocher autour de l'Internet récemment.
- Algunas banderas que encontré colgar alrededor del Internet recientemente.
- Некоторые флаги я считал висеть вокруг интернета недавн.
- G'day sport. Try not to leave your flag hanging around the internet will you?
Protecting our environment
Lobster Blogster is feeling a bit pious today, so I am just going to say:

As a town, we have to change if we are to prosper. But change has to be managed carefully to preserve the town's heritage and avoid adding too problems such as traffic congestion.
It is important to get the balance right.
It is important to get the balance right.

Which is the biggest PITA?

A debate is now raging on Lobster Blogster, which has reached international dimensions.
It all started when
and then

Nobody in this world or the next is a bigger PITA than your neighbours.
In the interests of fairness, Lobster Blogster is releasing these two images, for you the public to decide. Vote now to help choose who is the biggest PITA

Related items:
See our own Wooden Horse at keeping-safe-in-times-of-heightened-tension
вторник, юли 26
Last American Free Zone in Britain About to Crumble
Rubbish in Watford
Reality check
After fixing yesterday's beautiful pictures of land, sea and blogosphere anemones, Lobster Blogster wanted to show you another picture. This time its from the human world.
Legal position
The local council where this this scene was photograhed on 26 July 2005 give the following advice: "Environment, Health & Licensing has powers to deal with accumulations on private land that are encouraging rats or mice eg matresses, upholstered furniture and/or food waste". You can read this advice by following the link to www.watford.gov.uk/../keeping-in-touch .
Historical perspective
The land on which this rubbish was dumped forms part of an area call the Nascot Conservation Area. Although most this area is to one side of a main line railway, in the Nascot ward, a small part is to the north of the railway, in the Callowland ward. The Callowland side of the conservation area, has been badly neglected by the local council for many years, in favour of its up-market neighbour, the Nascot ward. However the Callowland side was included in the conservation area because it included many historical buildings associated with the London and Birmingham Railway, including the original station building for Watford Junction. A plaque in the Railway Social Club also commemorates the fact that Queen Victoria boarded the first ever Royal Train at this location. You can see a further set of unanotated and somewhat depressing pictures of buildings and sites in the Callowland side at NascotConservationArea. The map shown left is taken from a very large map available at www.watford.gov.uk/../proposals-map .
The Mayor of Watford, Mrs Dorothy Thornhill, visited area on 8th May 2005 and witnessed first-hand the fly-tipped rubbish shown in the first picture. If there are any developments in connection with this big pile of rubbish I will let you know.
After fixing yesterday's beautiful pictures of land, sea and blogosphere anemones, Lobster Blogster wanted to show you another picture. This time its from the human world.

Legal position
The local council where this this scene was photograhed on 26 July 2005 give the following advice: "Environment, Health & Licensing has powers to deal with accumulations on private land that are encouraging rats or mice eg matresses, upholstered furniture and/or food waste". You can read this advice by following the link to www.watford.gov.uk/../keeping-in-touch .
Historical perspective

The Mayor of Watford, Mrs Dorothy Thornhill, visited area on 8th May 2005 and witnessed first-hand the fly-tipped rubbish shown in the first picture. If there are any developments in connection with this big pile of rubbish I will let you know.
понеделник, юли 25
Is there an anemone free zone?

ScaryCheri asked:
Is there an anemone free zone?
According to Ben Fry's work at acg.media.mit.edu there isn't within the blogosphere. Anemones can be found on land (left) and in the sea (right). So that just seems to leave outer space.