вторник, юли 26
Rubbish in Watford
Reality check
After fixing yesterday's beautiful pictures of land, sea and blogosphere anemones, Lobster Blogster wanted to show you another picture. This time its from the human world.
Legal position
The local council where this this scene was photograhed on 26 July 2005 give the following advice: "Environment, Health & Licensing has powers to deal with accumulations on private land that are encouraging rats or mice eg matresses, upholstered furniture and/or food waste". You can read this advice by following the link to www.watford.gov.uk/../keeping-in-touch .
Historical perspective
The land on which this rubbish was dumped forms part of an area call the Nascot Conservation Area. Although most this area is to one side of a main line railway, in the Nascot ward, a small part is to the north of the railway, in the Callowland ward. The Callowland side of the conservation area, has been badly neglected by the local council for many years, in favour of its up-market neighbour, the Nascot ward. However the Callowland side was included in the conservation area because it included many historical buildings associated with the London and Birmingham Railway, including the original station building for Watford Junction. A plaque in the Railway Social Club also commemorates the fact that Queen Victoria boarded the first ever Royal Train at this location. You can see a further set of unanotated and somewhat depressing pictures of buildings and sites in the Callowland side at NascotConservationArea. The map shown left is taken from a very large map available at www.watford.gov.uk/../proposals-map .
The Mayor of Watford, Mrs Dorothy Thornhill, visited area on 8th May 2005 and witnessed first-hand the fly-tipped rubbish shown in the first picture. If there are any developments in connection with this big pile of rubbish I will let you know.
After fixing yesterday's beautiful pictures of land, sea and blogosphere anemones, Lobster Blogster wanted to show you another picture. This time its from the human world.

Legal position
The local council where this this scene was photograhed on 26 July 2005 give the following advice: "Environment, Health & Licensing has powers to deal with accumulations on private land that are encouraging rats or mice eg matresses, upholstered furniture and/or food waste". You can read this advice by following the link to www.watford.gov.uk/../keeping-in-touch .
Historical perspective

The Mayor of Watford, Mrs Dorothy Thornhill, visited area on 8th May 2005 and witnessed first-hand the fly-tipped rubbish shown in the first picture. If there are any developments in connection with this big pile of rubbish I will let you know.
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Grief what a mess. It's to be hoped that someone sorts this and also does somethinjg to find out where it's coming from and why people don't take advantage of local rubbish disposal.
Someone should put on some rubber gloves and sort through that rubbish to see if there is anything with a name and address on it.
Without saying too much here, I believe the identity of the culprit has been established. Environmental Services are aware, the Mayor has seen it, and even the police seem to suggest they could act if Environmental Services won't. But what we don't seem to have is anyone who will actually do something. My wheelbarrow is at the ready, but in the mean time we just have to walk past it every day.
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