четвъртък, юли 28
Bananacrat Bingo!

Liberal Democrats in Watford claimed on Monday that:
Watford Junction traffic lights will be removed!
They say...
In October 2003 Mayor Dorothy Thornhill and county councillor Stephen Giles-Medhurst, persuaded the County Council to turn the lights off while Transco maintenance works were carried out on St Albans Road. Due to popular demand, the lights have remained off ever since, even after the Transco works were finished.

In his human guise, Lobster Blogster has been campaigning for the same set of lights to removed. The lobster runs a webpage at www.hertfordshire.freeserve.co.uk/TrafficLights/
E-mails between him and the entire County and Borough Councils, the Mayor and a councillor confirm that the lights were actually switched off on 6th May 2004. As does the date stamp on many of the photographs. Lib Dems claims that they persuaded the council to turn off the lights in October 2003 seem a little bizarre, since they hadn't even been built then. The lights which caused so many traffic jams were installed around January 2004 as part of a "Pedestrian Plan".
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BUT! Can they also sort out the horrible "Give Way" on the Southbound Station Road approach where there are two sets of lines and no-one can work out who is supposed to give way to whom?!
No chance! A couple of things I'd like to see are:
Proper warning signs at Dome Roundabout lights to motorists saying "Slow Down - Pedestrians Crossing" whilst these lights are out of action. (Maybe even a temporary 20mph limit). Idiot drivers don't have the sense to slow down and this is very dangerous now. If anywhere needs speed humps its here.
Woodford Road - two way for cyclists. Its a pain to have to trundle round a one way system designed for cars.
I have the strong feeling that the people who design these nutcase schemes rarely if ever re-visit them as pedestrians, cyclists or drivers.
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Proper warning signs at Dome Roundabout lights to motorists saying "Slow Down - Pedestrians Crossing" whilst these lights are out of action. (Maybe even a temporary 20mph limit). Idiot drivers don't have the sense to slow down and this is very dangerous now. If anywhere needs speed humps its here.
Woodford Road - two way for cyclists. Its a pain to have to trundle round a one way system designed for cars.
I have the strong feeling that the people who design these nutcase schemes rarely if ever re-visit them as pedestrians, cyclists or drivers.
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