събота, август 6
Postcards from Watford
Are your property prices falling?
Have you got problems in your conservation zone?
Nowhere to go at night?
Swimming facilities drying up?
Uh, oh! You've got Liberals!

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I get such a kick out of these photos. It must be because it reminds me of Coronation Street.
Sorry to hear the Liberals have moved in. I think?
Sorry to hear the Liberals have moved in. I think?
No Coronation Street I'm afraid. We have a Regent Street and a Sandringham Road, but we haven't got a castle for miles.
We're all sorry about the Liberals. No chance you could nibble through the wiring on their printing press is there? I'm fed up with all their rubbish literature, but when I write to the Mayor about it she goes off in a huff and says there's nothing to discuss.
We're all sorry about the Liberals. No chance you could nibble through the wiring on their printing press is there? I'm fed up with all their rubbish literature, but when I write to the Mayor about it she goes off in a huff and says there's nothing to discuss.
Great site by the way! Wonderul to meet someone else in the blogosphere who shares my visceral dislike (let's be nice) of the local Liberals... Watford rocks, its Council bites.
RE recycling - the Liberals make out that they introduced it, but the truth is, I believe, that they HAD to introduce by order of an EU directive! I'll give this to the Lib Dems - they sure are good at the propaganda.
Anyway - I'll join your 'Watford Blog Council' if that's cool with you!
Pax tecum,
The Cavalier
Great site by the way! Wonderul to meet someone else in the blogosphere who shares my visceral dislike (let's be nice) of the local Liberals... Watford rocks, its Council bites.
RE recycling - the Liberals make out that they introduced it, but the truth is, I believe, that they HAD to introduce by order of an EU directive! I'll give this to the Lib Dems - they sure are good at the propaganda.
Anyway - I'll join your 'Watford Blog Council' if that's cool with you!
Pax tecum,
The Cavalier
Peter, welcome to Lobster Blogster. I understand you are versed in matters of the cloth and I believe you will lend gravitas to the proceedings.
BUT, the Lib Dems jolly well did invent re-cycling - policies, ideas and stories in their bleeding Focus newsletter for a start.
I shall put your self-nomination to the council, if they are not all on holiday, and we shall consider your request. After that we will need bio-metric ID and a character reference from respected members of the blogosphere.
Please don't use Latin whilst you are a guest in Lobster Blogster, for all I know you might be blowing me kisses.
Fonzie, I knew you were a bit short of cash which is why I offered you the job in the shop. Have you sold anything yet?
BUT, the Lib Dems jolly well did invent re-cycling - policies, ideas and stories in their bleeding Focus newsletter for a start.
I shall put your self-nomination to the council, if they are not all on holiday, and we shall consider your request. After that we will need bio-metric ID and a character reference from respected members of the blogosphere.
Please don't use Latin whilst you are a guest in Lobster Blogster, for all I know you might be blowing me kisses.
Fonzie, I knew you were a bit short of cash which is why I offered you the job in the shop. Have you sold anything yet?
Our local swimming baths has been around for a long long time and there would be a big fuss if anyone tried to demolish it. There were plans to sell our library building and move the library to a large comprehensive school on the outskirts of the town but I hope that has been defeated now. The library is only small but it is at least good at serving the needs of the local children you all happily walk to it.
You go on about the lib dems lobster, but how would you feel if like us you had to put up with the local conservatives.
You go on about the lib dems lobster, but how would you feel if like us you had to put up with the local conservatives.
Crumbs Fonzie, we had better withdraw that line.
These are beautiful characterful buildings Kat, there must be some use they can be put to. We are told that the swimming baths are "too expensive to maintain" but no one seems willing to even discuss the actual figures.
You might well guess that my politcs are left of centre Kat, which would be accurate, and I have been no fan of the tories in the past. Curiously I now find that someone I knew as a young lady is now a tory councillor in a neighbouring ward, and a friend's father also stands. In Watford the three opposition parties have a good working relationship, but the lib dems seem to have formed into an elite. I don't know enough about local politics in other areas to know if this is the norm, but it creates the most unhealthy of environments where I live.
These are beautiful characterful buildings Kat, there must be some use they can be put to. We are told that the swimming baths are "too expensive to maintain" but no one seems willing to even discuss the actual figures.
You might well guess that my politcs are left of centre Kat, which would be accurate, and I have been no fan of the tories in the past. Curiously I now find that someone I knew as a young lady is now a tory councillor in a neighbouring ward, and a friend's father also stands. In Watford the three opposition parties have a good working relationship, but the lib dems seem to have formed into an elite. I don't know enough about local politics in other areas to know if this is the norm, but it creates the most unhealthy of environments where I live.
Our local baths has a lot of history and yours may well have. Look into it. You may be able to shame them into preserving the building.
Our baths make a very good job of displaying and advertising their history locally but there is nothing on the web. I think I will go and talk to them about that. The only thing I can find on the web is an advert for nude swimming nights!! Goodness me – I didn’t know they existed. (Perhaps I don't need to buy a new cossy after all)
Part of the building has been turned over into a local museum.
Our baths make a very good job of displaying and advertising their history locally but there is nothing on the web. I think I will go and talk to them about that. The only thing I can find on the web is an advert for nude swimming nights!! Goodness me – I didn’t know they existed. (Perhaps I don't need to buy a new cossy after all)
Part of the building has been turned over into a local museum.
I am currently seeking assistance to build up a campaign. However, I am not too keen on shaming anyone into doing anything - I much prefer to work with people who value their environment.
Putting these pictures on the blog has meant that people from all around the world can see what a dreadful act of vandalism is being committed by the Council in Watford. I am glad to say that one or two are getting in touch, such as Peter, and I hope that we will perhaps be able to form a core group to try to raise awareness. If you know of others who have respect for our built heritage I would be very grateful if you could send them the link to this page. Perhaps they in turn may know people in and around Watford or south-west Herts who appreciate these buildings.
If you would like read more about the Watford Colloseum it is covered well by the Watford Observer. They have a quote by a respected conductor who says that the acoustics are "far superior to either the Barbican Centre or Royal Festival Hall in London". Try searching for Colosseum there too, you might be surprised to discover that music for Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Sleepy Hollow and The Mummy Returns has all been recorded there.
Just as an aside: both the Future Mrs Lobster and I have been known to enjoy nude swimming on the beach - apart from our shells of course.
Putting these pictures on the blog has meant that people from all around the world can see what a dreadful act of vandalism is being committed by the Council in Watford. I am glad to say that one or two are getting in touch, such as Peter, and I hope that we will perhaps be able to form a core group to try to raise awareness. If you know of others who have respect for our built heritage I would be very grateful if you could send them the link to this page. Perhaps they in turn may know people in and around Watford or south-west Herts who appreciate these buildings.
If you would like read more about the Watford Colloseum it is covered well by the Watford Observer. They have a quote by a respected conductor who says that the acoustics are "far superior to either the Barbican Centre or Royal Festival Hall in London". Try searching for Colosseum there too, you might be surprised to discover that music for Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Sleepy Hollow and The Mummy Returns has all been recorded there.
Just as an aside: both the Future Mrs Lobster and I have been known to enjoy nude swimming on the beach - apart from our shells of course.
I am saddened by the loss of the ex-servicemen's club. A venue played by umpteen world-famous bands (e.g. The Who so I am told) it had the most sublime and fascinating roof-structure in the town.
I do feel the urge to vandalise the LibDem posters in the window to read "Liberal Democrats, Whinging Here!"
The LibDems have been recycling other parties discarded policies for years. Now if only we could persuade them to tidy up their recycling bins....
The LibDems have been recycling other parties discarded policies for years. Now if only we could persuade them to tidy up their recycling bins....
Plus don't forget "Wiggle and Giggle" at the Ex-Servicemen's. Probably their undoing because I think they fell foul of the licensing laws.
I try to combine re-cycling, with cycling and campaigning for the libdems, hence I have this collectable saddle sticker. The joke is wearing a bit thin though, because I have quite a sweaty arse!
I try to combine re-cycling, with cycling and campaigning for the libdems, hence I have this collectable saddle sticker. The joke is wearing a bit thin though, because I have quite a sweaty arse!
Good place for the sticker!
Someone kindly deposited a bolt-cropped cycle lock and the sight off an air-rifle into my garden on Friday. The items are now in police custody of course.
Hee hee hee. Just remembered something that happened years ago. I was at home during the day whilst rebuilding the inside of my house. Some evil dog-owner let their pooch crap in my garden (there's a fine if they crap on the pavement of course), so I bagged it up, jumped on my bike and stealthily followed them home then dumped the aforementioned unmentionable on their doorstep.
Someone kindly deposited a bolt-cropped cycle lock and the sight off an air-rifle into my garden on Friday. The items are now in police custody of course.
Hee hee hee. Just remembered something that happened years ago. I was at home during the day whilst rebuilding the inside of my house. Some evil dog-owner let their pooch crap in my garden (there's a fine if they crap on the pavement of course), so I bagged it up, jumped on my bike and stealthily followed them home then dumped the aforementioned unmentionable on their doorstep.
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