сряда, август 10
Basic Bulgarian for Begineers

Двадесет Лева - dveh deset leva - Twenty Lions
Риба - riba - fish
СмеЛ - smel - smell
Вадя - bad ya - take out?
Ще ви дам много Лева - shte vi dam mnogo leva - I will give you many lions
And a personal favourite of the lobster...
Шапка = hat!!!
And finally...

Greetings to many friends at EuroJam which is being held in the Soca valley in beautiful Slovenia this week. Please drop in to Lobster Land if you get the time...
Tres, shteri, ...mmm... (softer guido)
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Hi, EchoMouse. Yes I've always found the people quite friendly there, even though the sea is almost black. Pollution I suppose.
why would you teach the people so useless and un-important words? are you crazy? are you a crazy lobster? there are far more useful things you could teach these people word's like pivo, kurva and other pop in to my mind.
how does one say:
my leatherpants are on fire?-
how does one say:
my leatherpants are on fire?-
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