четвъртък, юли 20
Mr George W. Bush
The most popular picture which Lobster Blogster has ever included is this one of the esteemed Mr George W. Bush. Please enjoy!

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Dear Lobster... You owe me for a new monitor.
"Well it doesn't say in the manual Do Not Use As A Dartboard..."
"Well it doesn't say in the manual Do Not Use As A Dartboard..."
I just knew you'd enjoy this one TRT. He's looking his most "pointy" here I think.
By the way there's a new warmonger on the block who is a Newt. Naturally the lobster takes an interest. I'll dig a photo out of him soon.
By the way there's a new warmonger on the block who is a Newt. Naturally the lobster takes an interest. I'll dig a photo out of him soon.
Way to ruin my blog hopping. (just kidding ;) )
Seriously, this man should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity.
Seriously, this man should be imprisoned for crimes against humanity.
I usually enjoy looking at your pictures, Lobster but on this occasion the pic did nothing for me at all. Please don't repeat it. :-)
If you put George Bush into Google Images it comes up as the fourth most popular picture of him. I get loads of referrals every day from people, mostly in the US, who want to see the picture. None of them are in the slightest bit interested in Lobster Blogster :0)
It was worth a comment I suppose, and it also give people a chance to hurl abuse at the man. Oh, well, back under my rock I suppose...
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It was worth a comment I suppose, and it also give people a chance to hurl abuse at the man. Oh, well, back under my rock I suppose...
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