четвъртък, декември 28
This Year's Pantomime Will Be ...
... the Home Secretary who cried ...

Sir Ian Blair has already warned us its about to happen.
Tony Blair has gone on holiday.
(Does this plot sound a little bit familiar? A good pantomime always relies on most of the audience knowing exactly what will come next.)
Doctor John Reid has his fingers crossed that some crisis will just happen to come along and he can scare the living daylights out of us all again.
Enjoy the panto season!!!

Sir Ian Blair has already warned us its about to happen.
Tony Blair has gone on holiday.
(Does this plot sound a little bit familiar? A good pantomime always relies on most of the audience knowing exactly what will come next.)
Doctor John Reid has his fingers crossed that some crisis will just happen to come along and he can scare the living daylights out of us all again.
Enjoy the panto season!!!